The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Inequality in Capitalism

Re: Inequality in Capitalism
Posted by Arrow (Guest) - Friday, November 4 2011, 19:23:17 (UTC)
from - Network - Linux - Opera
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Hi Marcello & Rashad...

>yup, Mexicans, Vietnamese, Somalis, Bosnians, and the many others I have seen who work night and day would all be millionaires. Ive known people who worked double shifts and had multiple jobs yet still weren't making it. If it were all related to hard work, all these people would be wealthy.

= Yeah sure, unskilled laborers cannot make much, but is it due to an unjust system? But even high academic credentials and rare professional experience are no guarantee for big success. Scientists, doctors and engineers are not the richest.

Take the founder of Facebook of example. He did not discover the cure for aids or cancer. All he did was come up with a very simple idea, crunch few codes and voila, in a couple of years he's richer than Steve Jobs and Richard Branson, while those who has PhDs in software engineering end up working for him.


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