The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Judge Rejects Bail Hike for Zimmerman

Re: Judge Rejects Bail Hike for Zimmerman
Posted by Marcello (Guest) - Monday, April 30 2012, 18:15:59 (UTC)
from - Network - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title: Redirect

George Zimmerman's father is a retired Judge
Fri Mar 23, 2012

I was not aware of this. Has anyone else wondered if this might play into his not getting arrested?

"The portrayal of George Zimmerman in the media, as well as the series of events that led to the tragic shooting, are false and extremely misleading," his father, a retired magistrate judge, wrote in a letter published in the Orlando Sentinel. "Unfortunately, some individuals and organizations have used this tragedy to further their own causes and agendas."

"George is a Spanish-speaking minority with many black family members and friends," Robert Zimmerman wrote. "He would be the last to discriminate for any reason whatsoever."

From the reports that I have read -- he lived with his parents in Sanford. He has also withdrawn from attending Seminole state college.

Editing to add: His father being a judge in the same town might indicate that he knew police enforcement officials in the city.


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