The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Karl Marx Never Worked in a Factory...

Re: Karl Marx Never Worked in a Factory...
Posted by Rashad (Guest) - Monday, May 23 2011, 21:10:47 (UTC)
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Karl Marx had great ideas and what's wrong with workers having rights and success. Why should only a few afford to go on a nice vacation while the wage-slave can only dream of it while working in a hot ass factory with no ac? Health care, education, etc should be something everyone has access to and rights to. It shouldn't only be for those who are wealthy and can afford. I have no problems with most of Karl Marx's ideas. I get paid by the hour for performing physical labor all day while my manager gets over 60,000 per year, plus quarterly bonuses and all he does is bark out orders. Sure, he may have gone to college, but what the fuck does that mean? He was just fortunate enough to afford school but I don't even think most success is based on education alone but mostly based on ass kissing, who you know and receiving "special rights"(favortism) while others can't

Of course they will make communism sound bad because the same people who oppose it are the ones who make millions while the hardest working people remain poor. I am not saying everyone has to get paid equally by the penny but there should be equal chances for all and rights for workers. It shouldn't only be for a select few. I believe capitalism will collapse and communism will be strong again because people won't be slaves for money. What Russia did wasn't much communism at all. Countries like Germany, Sweden etc all have some socialist concepts in their systems and that's why they have health coverage for all and education. America is the worse of all and socialism is only for the rich and wealthy. You got wealthy bosses getting cash handouts and welfare(socialism again) but others can't get a little help.

I think Karl was a genius and a lot of his ideas are misinterpreted.


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