The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: LA votes 100 million for homeless solution...

Re: LA votes 100 million for homeless solution...
Posted by Marcello (Guest) - Friday, September 25 2015, 16:15:28 (UTC)
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Website title: Document Has Moved

In 1997, I got involved with the Watts Project, which was a program in which folks like myself and some of my friends volunteered to help inner-city youth how to plant a garden in South Central L.A. I was shooting black & white photos and also a super-8 film about the kids learning to work together to grow food. I was so excited, that in between working and taking courses, I was left with very few hours to sleep and rest. Not to be skeptical, or cynical, I kept moving forward and working... until I found out that the cheating young Pastor was merely a charlatan. And the guy whom I met, a trickster, was a junkie who at the last minute asked me to score heroin for him. I told him to 'fuck-off' and left. But, with a heavy-heart, I had such a depressing time afterwards because the kids loved us, and I (we) loved them, too. Imagine: a group of Afro-American kids, whom at first distrusted us, but then ultimately ended up loving us... and when we stopped attending, they missed us greatly. These fuckin' hucksters were the same assholes who'd answer back when we had their backs against the wall with the speaking in tongues bullshit: "yabba dabba doo". Scumbags!


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