The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Maggie Yonan Undresses

Re: Maggie Yonan Undresses
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Friday, September 11 2009, 7:19:26 (CEST)
from - Commercial - Windows Codename Longhorn - Mozilla
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she thinks by not allowing or mentioning the name on that forum will make their problem go away. they don't have time to waste with the silly chaldean name yet they r the ones wasting time and their identity is the real joke here. No chaldean has ever taken this serious but they too have a right to identify as chaldeans if they so wish. they r so desperate that they would even not allow anyone to utter the word "chaldean" or risk getting banned. Their Assyrian nationalism is more ridiculous than anything a chaldean could ever do. Their ways of fighting the "enemy" is deleting, banning and not spelling the name out.


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