The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Mumbo Jumbo

Re: Mumbo Jumbo
Posted by Jeffrey (Guest) - Sunday, June 28 2009, 0:23:14 (CEST)
from - Commercial - Windows XP - Mozilla
Website title:

I always thought taking currency off of a gold or silver (or precious rare metal) standard was some sort of intentional conspiracy.

You think it was just simply a lack of materials?

- Jeff

pancho wrote:
>All nations went off the gold standard and then the silver standard because there just wasn't enough of the metal to go can't make money if there's no money around to be they agreed to stop backing paper up with precious metal and instead just started printing paper money by some weird formula whose sole purpose is to make it possible for the rich to get richer.
>We just saw the government print all the paper money the Banks and Wall Street needed...but they insist they can't print enough money to cover health care or education, fix roads and cities and put everyone to's bullshit...all of it.
>No one can get gold or silver for their money any why is paper money of any value?
>Right today the Fed could print enough paper money to put everyone to work...and not at flipping burgers either but at fighting pollution, caring for the sick, cleaning to cities and anything else we wanted.
>If all of a sudden ten zillion tons of gold fell to earth, they could do it...but they wouldn't...they wouldn;t because this is all tied into social control....control of the massess and the best way to do that, other than religion and constant wars, id to keep people demoralized and depressed...hell, you can then sell them anti-depressants...even more profits and "business".
>It's a game, folks...a game.


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