The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Nazi's Had The Same Problem....

Re: Nazi's Had The Same Problem....
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Sunday, August 30 2009, 22:49:13 (CEST)
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Michael wrote:
>Off the subject a bit. I don't think Ross could stand up to Dr. Parpola in a debate. Parpola is a serious scholar on the Assyrians, past and present.

....I agree as to Parpola's expertise regarding the ancient Assyrians, but he is no expert or scholar on modern Assyrians. he is an Assyriologist, not a scholar of Middle Eastern History...Dr Joseph is...he has a Phd from Princeton, has published two real books and has been honored by his college and of whom funded the building of a new International Studies building on campus which is named after Dr Joseph.....between the two of them, Dr Joseph is the expert on the time period in which we all of a sudden "appear". Dr. Ross is a Christian apologist who thinks the ancient Assyrians were "worse than Hitler", according to him......he also doesn't believe we are direct descendants, something I now agree with, but not because of Ross, but rather because of Dr Joseph's scholarship..

I assume you have all read his paper on Assyrian Identity. Was there anyhting in that piece that led you to believe that we may in fact, be the direct decendents of the ancient Assyrians? Or did you see it as all circumstantial? Taitan the Assyrian and Lucian of Samosata calling themselves "Assyrian" as well as "Syrian" was very interesting.

....neither of them was ethnically more than the child of German parents born in China is "Chinese...not ethnically...people were born in what was known up to that time as the lands of ancient Assyrians...therefore anyone born there could technically refer to himself as Assyrian...what would you expect him to call himself, French? The Romans still had "Assyria" marked on their anyone born there would be "Assyrian". Anglican church built by missionaries in Beijing doesn't mean that the Anglican religion originated in China..or that its flock is automatically Chinese...or British. As Dr Joseph points out, the Catholic missionaries who went to BetNahrain to win back Nestorian "heretics" based their church in what used to be known as Chaldea,,,plus they no doubt liked the biblical reference,, but it was merely a geographic designation, not an ethnic one.....likewise the archaeologists decided that the people living above the Assyrian ruins "must" be descendants of the ancient people without ever explaing how the decided that...or why those same people knew nothing of their supposed history, except anyone could read in the Hebrew Bible...and why Europeans had to teach them "their" history


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