The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Nazi's Had The Same Problem....

Re: Nazi's Had The Same Problem....
Posted by Michael (Guest) - Sunday, August 30 2009, 1:08:47 (CEST)
from - Network - Windows Codename Longhorn - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Off the subject a bit. I don't think Ross could stand up to Dr. Parpola in a debate. Parpola is a serious scholar on the Assyrians, past and present. I assume you have all read his paper on Assyrian Identity. Was there anyhting in that piece that led you to believe that we may in fact, be the direct decendents of the ancient Assyrians? Or did you see it as all circumstantial? Taitan the Assyrian and Lucian of Samosata calling themselves "Assyrian" as well as "Syrian" was very interesting.


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