The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Needs translation help

Re: Needs translation help
Posted by Tiglath (Guest) - Wednesday, July 29 2009, 3:52:20 (CEST)
from - Australia - Windows Codename Longhorn - Internet Explorer
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Sargon is actually related to me in a roundabout way and stays at my cousin's house in Melbourne when he's down here.

I hope you don't mind me having a go at the translation.

>Assyrian singer Sargon Gabriel - Bratet Mam Oshana
>youma o leleh bewara // Day and Night go by
>go penjara b n6ara // in the window I await
>dayem allakh bespara // for you I await
>eman pal6at l khdara // when you go out to leave

>nasheh beyakh b khqara // People brag about you
>parsoopakh litleh twara // Your peronality cannot be criticised
>ya shwotee wodlee chara // Oh neighbour do me this favour
>bet bayinnakh qa gwara // I want you for marriage

>basa n6arta m panjara // (She responds) No more waiting by the window
>qa deyokh leh hoyan ana // I will not (destined) be for you
>la haweten shedana // Do not be crazy
>ya zarwando ya honana // Oh Zarwando oh good

>youma o leleh bewara // Day and night go by
>go penjara b n6ara // In the window I await
>dayem allakh bespara // for you I await
>eman pal6at l khdara // when you go out to leave

same as above

>qam odatlee shedana // You've mad me crazy
>ya brata d mam oshana // Oh daughter of Uncle Oshana
>la khazenwaleh ana // If only I'd never seen you
>oh pislakh mazdeyana // Your scary appearance

>khagah beyee b khqaret // (She says) At one time you brag about me
>al khobokh jaldeh dyaret // On your love you quickly return
>khagah beyee b twaret // At one time you insult me
>neeshokh leleh qa d goret // Your aim is not to marry

>youma o leleh bewara // Day and night go by
>go penjara b n6ara // In the window I await
>dayem allakh bespara // for you I await
>eman pal6at l khdara // when you go out to leave

Same as above again.

I hope you don't mind my two cents.


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