Re: Obama the new Neo-Con |
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- Thursday, September 13 2012, 22:11:50 (UTC) from - Network - - Website: Website title: |
Obama has been a better republican than Bush, yet racist whites still don't like him because of his skin color. He hasn't done one thing which he could make him different. He has extended the patriot act, free trade agreement and many other things. He could have ended the war on drugs which has cost billions upon billions and the majority in prison are in for drug possession but he has done none of that. It wouldn't matter if he gets another term or not because the policies will remain the same. The only difference is Mitt is white, Christian and hates Muslims more than Obama does. It shoes how dumb white people really are that they think Obama is some foreigner that Muslims have installed on them from the outside to destroy America. Who can honestly believe this pile of bullshit? --------------------- |
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