The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Pondering Land Ownership

Re: Pondering Land Ownership
Posted by Arrow (Guest) - Monday, November 28 2011, 14:39:37 (UTC)
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A small chunk of the Levant with over 200 nuclear weapons is enough to control the whole eastern hemisphere, if not more.

The colonial powers divided the Middle East in a way that made many countries and their installed rulers dependent on the west. That's what, in my opinion, enables the US to control the resources. Those rulers call for the US to protect them and to help them fend off other countries, like what happened when Iraq invaded Kuwait. I don't think things would have been very different if there was no Israel.

Mr. Beckett.

I love that play even though I don't know what it really means! Do you have an interpretation?

We are here for a purpose we created ourselves. A purpose is needed because it defines us, binds us, drives us, guides us... but that purpose is imaginary... We think and talk like Lucky and we get nowhere... we ask for the truth but we never find it... we part, meet, fight, celebrate... but we are still where we were... same place, doing the same things... living an empty, meaningless life... heading towards an aimless eternity... waiting for nothingness... waiting for Godot.

“Let's hang ourselves!” since it's no different from doing anything else... since there's no difference whether we are dead or alive...

... Anyway, regarding the Palestinian issue, here's Edward Said's answer:


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