Re: Punching PANCHO and Co ! |
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- Friday, November 30 2007, 17:43:09 (CET) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
JUMBLAT wrote: >Our brother Pancho and his co-host Assyrian Muslim are insisting to have more evidences about the harsh treatment of our people by the Arab Muslims. You have not brought any evidences. You have made claims and failed to back thm up with proof. What you call proof is what Aprim and others with your agendas say. Yes, you want there to be such harsh things but there isn't and never has been. You say that we lived in fear, we killed for our religion and identity yet all the historical records show a whole different picture. If the Arabs wanted us gone, they would have never allowed us or welcomed us in Iraq after 1918. They would have killed more than 300 people if they wantes us dead. Semele was not a genocide and it had nothing to with religion or ethnicity. >We brought articles, we quoted even Muslims themselves what they felt about our nation and the latest is the one wrote by an Iraqi Muslim in the honor of our late Sargon Paulos,an Assyrian poet in the Arabic language, please try to read how this person assured the harsh treatment that our people were killed and dispersed , all that is not enough they need more. What you call articles and proves are not valid. Real historians know the truth and the evidence sjows that our people survived and had good lives during the Islamic era. The only couple of incidents were in the last century and it was a result of our actions and conspiracies. Other than that, the evidence shows that Christians lived in Mesopotamia during the Islamic era while ejoying their lives, freedom and preserving their language and culture. If they hated us or wanted us dead, they would have got rid of us a long time ago but they didn't because it is not true. >And here I will quote what this fanatic Muslim Iraqi lady wrote which she called herself Khalidah Abed Al -Qahhar, ' the Secretary of Saddam Speaks ' in her book which is printed in Egypt 1990 , these are Egbert's from page 21 about the people of TIKRIT and the family of Saddam Hussein: lol you are definetely a caracter I tell you. Do you even know what a fanatic is? she is not a fanatic but she is only famous in your world. I bet you call Mubarak a good Muslim radical too huh? >" ... It is well known that the people of TIKRIT are not ARABS , but they are derived from other people who inhabited the area and they spoke Arabic which is not original where it is different from the other Arab dialects , because they were affected by the surrounding environment where it was inhabited by the Nestorian Christians headed by Abed Al-satih , and by the Arab invasion and its expansion ' Abed Al-Satih ' was given a choice to convert to Islam or leaving the area , but he agreed on the first condition to became a Muslim, but later on he committed a suicide and these people of TIKRIT are the decedents of this person who was forced into Islam .." People of Tirkrit are not affraid and they were not forced to convert. They embraced Islam by choice. They are proud of both their Islamic and Assyrian heritage. It is you dorks who make it as if it is a secret. No one was treated unjustly or asked to leave if refusal to embrace Islam. They were allowed to live, prosper and worship freely so long as they did not conspire against the land. Christians, Jews and others enjoyed this and they even in some case decided to want to fight in the Muslim army to defend the area. Yes many more embraced Islam but it was due to the beauty of it and it's teachings and not the lies you people have made to avoid the "jizya" or "forced conversions". This is something that is non existant in the glorious Ilamic era and history, or else there wouldn't be a single Christian in Spain, Eastrern Europe and other areas which for centuries under Islamic sharia. They loved it and didn't mind it, but of course there are always people like you and Fred Aprim out there. One thing is for sure and that is that no one has ever and will ever get sympathy by telling stories which are not only lies but think to get a reward for it. It don't work that way. Others have been treated worse by the western Christians, in many cases more valid and more recent yet no one cares or even speaks out, and you few fanatics will not get anything either. Your case is worse because it is based on hate, prejudices and lies. > >Note : of course this according to the ARAB sources where having a lack of credibility always , these are the people a case in point TRANSFORM DEFEAT TO VICTORY, just think about it ! As I said, only in your world is it a secret that there are Assyrians who are not CHRISTIANS. You want every one to be CHRISTIAN because your real objective is not Assyrian identity and land but rather a fanatic Christian state like Europe had. So that is your whole problem and you know it. There are millions of Muslims who feel and have a strong passion for ancient Assyrians and Babylonians, but it is only you people who make it a religious thing. They are not denying Assyria, but denying the lies of the few Christian fanatics who have been screaming "persecution" and "genocide" for the past few decades. Even now with this war and all the dead Iraqis, it is Arabs, shiites and Muslims who have suffered more and lost more than the Christians. Out of the over 700,000 dead Iraqis only about 3% were Christians and the rest were others mostly Arabs. You don't care about the real crimes but want to cry over 300 people who died as a result of our own actions. Change your behavior and your prejudices and life will become easier for you and others. If you say that it is about Assyrianism, anyone who has a strong love and passion for it can help and be part of it, but you boys mean it totally different. When you say "Assyrians" or "Assyrian peoples" you are speaking of the divided Christian sects and on top of all that everyone has to agree with your prejudices and political agenda. In other words, the people who differ from your nazi agendas and who do not believe in your Christianity can not be Assyrians. That is the whole problem because in reality it is not about identity but rather religion and politics, and very weak politics at that. You are a Christian fanatic who uses the Assyrian identity as a tool to accomplish your real objective, the dream of you and the folks like you. --------------------- |
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