Re: Religious right’s new rivals |
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- Thursday, July 5 2012, 23:22:22 (UTC) from *** - *** - Windows NT - Mozilla Website: Website title: |'s also part of that "Frontier" fantasy the Repubs push...a "New Dawn in America"...which was actually an old YESTERDAY they fooled us might have worked when America had 200,000 people with miles and acres between them...but today, not with 300 million and counting and certainly not with the appalling neglect of education and just plain decency or equity.....if you're going to breed and breed, into the billions, you can't count on people knowing what to do and doing it....but laws don't have to be so stupid or systems so unjust...the answer to bad government is better government, not no government....I'm surprised the Dems don't point out that the government is US, or, it's supposed to be. It started failing seriously when the Repubs got into office to MAKE it they could get us hating it, instead of seeing it was THEM. I'm also surprised the Dems don't counter by calling "Obamacare", ROMNEYCARE, since it was patterned after his own policy when governor of his state...they should stop calling it Health Care Reform and only refer to it as people will always know that it is a Republican idea, not a Liberal one. --------------------- |
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