The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Response from Emanuel

Re: Response from Emanuel
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Thursday, December 17 2009, 21:12:33 (CET)
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I posted something like this a while back. Jews are a religious community and not ethnic. It is just like Muslims come from all over. Anyone that thinks all the Jews of today are ethnically Israelite is deluded. Jews come from all over and look different from place to place. Silly xtians believe that Judaism is an ethnic religion while it is not. There are African Jews, Arab, European, etc. It had converts and continues to have some. Therefore, terms such as "catholic jews" or "christian jews" are silly and don't really exist. I can't be a Muslim and an Atheist at same time so how can one be a Jew and then be xtian too? I know an Iraqi Jew and he looks no different from other Iraqis and speaks Arabic as his language. He looks different from another Jewish friend who is a German American Jew. Xtians believe in a lot of myths and I will always view xtianity as a racist white man religion and any person of color that is xtian is a sell out and a slave to white supremacy. Xtianity has been a curse for bet nahrain


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