The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Reza Aslan slams Bill Maher’s ‘facile’ attacks on Islam:

Re: Reza Aslan slams Bill Maher’s ‘facile’ attacks on Islam:
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Sunday, October 5 2014, 23:50:42 (UTC)
from *** - *** Mexico - Windows NT - Mozilla
Website title:

...what Christians forget is their own bloody past. They act like their religion was ALWAYS superior and I don;t mean the killing done by kings and politicians who happened to be Christian but the actual killing done BY the Church, on religious grounds.

Every barbarism they accuse Islam of was committed by members of the Christian faith AND clergy....the Christian English beheaded people and far worse...they slit the side and rolled out the intestines and burned them, while the fucker was still alive...and you could be burned not for denying Christ but for daring to see him only slightly differently than the Church allowed....women were stoned and burned and kept locked away and up....every horror Muslims are accused of Christians practiced...BUT, only Christians killed millions of people JUST for their religion and that happened, not way back in the Dark Ages but in the 1940s...barely 70 years ago!

I'll say it again; Islam is 700 years younger than Christianity...go back 700 years in Christian history and see what horrible things they were doing!


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