The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Saddam

Re: Saddam
Posted by Rashad (Guest) - Thursday, November 10 2011, 8:52:38 (UTC)
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Arrow wrote:
> It seems like you take the words of the media as facts while everything else is just false or conjecture. What evidence and videos?
>Documentaries were broadcasted on all channels, western and Arabic.
> As for the graves, how you know Saddam killed them? They dug up graves of dead Iraqi soldiers from Iran war and you accept that as facts.

And how do you trust those documentaries which were produced by the same people who were at war with Iraq? and how do you trust Shiites when they would have every reason to hate Saddam since they viewed him a Kafir and he mocked the Shiite imams and especially Khomeini?
>It depends on who and how they were killed and where they were buried. Why would the Iraqi government bury dead soldiers in undisclosed locations?

There were tens of thousands of soldiers who died in the war so they had to bury them somewhere. My old roommate was in the war for few years before being captured by the Iranians and he buried many dead soldiers and friends. I trust real eye witnesses who were in the battle fields and who saw things with their own eyes much more than I do George Bush whose father met Saddam in Egypt in the 60s and told him he would be the future president.


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