The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Saddam

Re: Saddam
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Wednesday, November 9 2011, 23:06:17 (UTC)
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Arrow wrote:
> you can't seriously believe that the United States intervenes in Latin America, Asia, Africa and Europe to help those countries?
>The US intervenes out of sheer altruism and that is one of the main principles of Christianity: to suffer and lay down your life for the sake of others. You're not gonna tell me that you actually believe that the United States looks after it's own interest, do you? Oh come on, are you THAT brainwashed?
> we intervened in Iraq for the sake of the Iraqis....really?
>When did I say that?

...when you said, "...out of sheer altruism". For whose sake were we being "altruistic"?


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