The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Sifting through the comments on

Re: Sifting through the comments on
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Monday, August 31 2015, 21:10:46 (UTC)
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...just the other day I was wondering about this name "Assyria"....who actually used it...who first used it? I don't think the actual ancients used this exact word to describe themselves....and just as CHRISTians contains the name of their god in the name which describes them, and MOHAMMADens has their Prophet's name in their title...and even Jews have too the ancient Assyrians must have had ASHURians as their name, for themselves...."Assyrians" has to be a Euro invention just as the invention of modern Assyrians was their work.

..and while we're at it, this seeming mystery about the names Syria and Assyria can be laid at the feet of the Greeks who translated the name Aram into "Syria" and all its permutations....all sorts of fanciful explanations have been put forth for how Syria REALLY means Assyria and so Syrians are really ASSyrians and so forth....but what if, as with the word "apolitical", meaning NOT political, or asexual means NOT sexual, the word Assyrian is really meant as in NOT Syrian or not Aramean....what if the Greeks called the land of Aram Syria and then designated the land of the Ashurians as other words those lands NOT part of Aram, or Syria, in Greek.

...what if.


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