The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: THIS IS A FACT from an Islamic WEBSITE

Re: THIS IS A FACT from an Islamic WEBSITE
Posted by Ashur Beth-Shlimon (Guest) - Wednesday, September 16 2009, 7:12:39 (CEST)
from - Network - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

TINA, kindly if you read the Arabic language , hereunder the link you read it yourself or you could ask somebody to explained to you and here two of the Muhammad's miracles :

1) There was a person having problem with his eyes , they asked PROPHET MUHAMMAD to do something , he said tell him to come to me , when this person came MUHAMMAD spit on his eyes and the person walked without any problem!

2) Um Ayman , a lady who woke up in the middle of the night and was very thirsty she found a clay container with water in it she drunk the water , next morning Muhammad said what happen to the container UM AYMAN said I drunk it , he said that will cure you because he used to be lazy instead of going far to urine he used this container for his urine. Um Ayman was very happy because she was blessed by her action.

THESE IGNORANT are living in denial no matter how many evidents I present , just let them see the following is an Islamic link itself.


The full topic:

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