The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: “The Myth of Persecution”: Early Christians weren’t persecuted

Re: “The Myth of Persecution”: Early Christians weren’t persecuted
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Wednesday, May 14 2014, 1:52:31 (UTC)
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...and thanks a lot for that.....I've been saying that for years. These people are ENERGIZED by the myth of their martyrdom...just look at us and how we "celebrate" every August 7th...although you can see the hypocrisy clearly because we NEVER mention assyrians killed by Christians...only a Muslim can make a "martyr" out of us.

This line I especially enjoyed as I've used it against or nationalist idiots...

"But it’s important, Moss explains, to distinguish between “persecution” and “prosecution.”


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