The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: The Myth of Suicide Bombers

Re: The Myth of Suicide Bombers
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Thursday, December 17 2009, 21:55:20 (CET)
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absolutely true and i have said before i was muslim because iy t makes no sense. this became a new thing to scare the west with and demonize Muslims with. even this whole "radical islam" "jihad" and "wahabi" crap was all recently invented by british, the cia and xtians. muslims reject and prosecute these fanatical "muslims". there was a time when muslims were ahead of europe in arts/science, education, technology etc. these extremists were invented in the 70s and have been used ever since. the prophet never said for women to be covered in all black from top to bottom, be locked in their homes. one of the things that attracted ppl to islam was that it was simple, it lifted ppl up and encourages to do better, it unites and does not whipe out cultures from before islam.


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