The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: The Outsider

Re: The Outsider
Posted by arrow (Guest) - Sunday, July 6 2008, 21:08:21 (CEST)
from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

"Jesus asked many things of his followers that they either don't do...never did, or modify to suit themselves."

That's true. In my opinion, the majority of Christians are neo-pagans. I've seen hypocrisy, deceit, pride, boasting, fornication, envy...etc among Christians much more than Muslims.

"Not even you, with all your love of Jesus would have spared him from execution"

No. I would "fight" that he "should not be delivered to the Jews".

"the whole PREMISE and promise of Christ's gifts can ONLY come to you, his executioner, if Jesus is killed"

Actually the central theme is the resurrection, not the crucifixion. Since Jesus was human, like the rest of us, his resurrection marked the defeat of Adam's original sin. We should therefore embody Christ, live by his words, walk his path - this is what is meant in the Eucharist; not His biological flesh and His A+ blood - to have "eternal life".

"...inappropriate things to teach young children"

So tell me about the effect of the Eucharist on children. What does it do to them? There has been many scientific and philosophical works criticizing Christianity (and religion in general) from Freud to Nietchze to Weber and many others - Freud, for example and if I remember correctly, criticized Christianity’s love of enemies saying it’s unhealthy. Why none said anything about the Eucharist and its effects?

You said that the miniatures and the Eucharist turns children into criminals. What then do you think the muharram procession turn Muslim children into?


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