The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: They Didn't Whip at Auschwitz....

Re: They Didn't Whip at Auschwitz....
Posted by Ashur Beth-Shlimon (Guest) - Monday, September 21 2009, 9:00:39 (CEST)
from - Network - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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ASSYRIANmuslim wrote:
To make it clear then, I am against whipping...I am also against race-hatred and bigotry...trying to arouse hatred against a people or religion...which I believe is what you are up to....I don't call you an idiot for believing as you do...just a Christian.

[b]REPLY >>>

You and the other smaarto pancho called me all the names and you both exposed your low and idiotic personality, then YOUR ISLAM is the main reason to be that lady whipped which is according to your ISLAMIC LAW of tolerance as you call it, and for GOD'S sake what tolerance is this?![b/]


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