The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: To AssyrianMazloom

Re: To AssyrianMazloom
Posted by Muncho (Guest) - Tuesday, November 27 2007, 20:23:45 (CET)
from - Australia - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:


You are such a Genius. Now I know why you are in love with pancho.

Read what you said CAREFULLY... It is true when I say that you two idiots never read your own posts...

You said:

"I don't want to waste my time writing if you are not going to read what I say. If you have already made a conglusion in your mind and you are not wanting to learn or you got a hidden objective you are trying to achieve, save the shit. I don't waste time like that. Don't try to be sneaky or around the bush. Just say straight forward what your intention is and we take it from there."

Then you turn around an "teach" me arabic lessons here'

"Now Arabic is a rich language and 1 word can mean a variety of meanings. For example, the term "Islam" is one simple 5 letter word but it has many words and meanings. "Aslam" "aslama" "taslim" "salaam" etc. "Surrender" "submission" "obedience" and "peace". 1 simple word so many meanings and roots of the same word and that goes for many more words. "Worship" in Arabic is "ibada" "abudu" etc. "Sala alahu aleyhi wa salaam" means as I said already "peace and blessings of God be upon him". So if you think 1,5 billion Muslims and all the scholars and experts in Arabic got it wrong and you got it right, no wonder no one takes you suraye serious. So the stupidity is on your behalf and not mine."

AssyrianMazloom, Can you really not see what you're doing to avoid that simple question? Do you really think that you will be "Happy" when you deceive yourself like this? Allah will kick the shit out of you when you get there.

Now answer this smple question and cut you bullshit. Show us how much you understand Islam, you idiot... I told you before that I am not a religious person... I don't talk against any religion. I talk agains idiots like you who claim that one religion is better than the other...

Here is the Question again. Show us how Clever you are... Write the meaning next to each word and stop your bullshit talk about something else just to avoid the question.




Wa sal'lam:

They are only FOUR words... You don't need to write one full page of BS to say what each one of those four words mean...

Now show us what you know about islam.


The full topic:

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