Re: When Did We Become Nestorians? |
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- Sunday, January 20 2008, 20:23:21 (CET) from - Network - Windows 2000 - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
MiniMe wrote: >Assyrianmuslim > >Unless you understand the political and theological reasons behind "Nestorian" label, of which, none is considered by either Dr. Joseph or Dr. pancho; you will keep on whining like your brother pancho. Inshalla I don't care about the Nestorian label but I care about how for 2000 years there were no "proud Assyrians" but seddenly they appear only less than a cntury ago with the help of the western allies as they needed an ally to go preach "christ on the cross" to Muslims in which they didn't have the guts to do themselves. Of course there were other reasons they wanted to use the Syriacs but the above was only one. In 2000 years, and our totay's "Champions of the Assyrian peoples" were unheard of and suddeny they demand "special rights" because they are the "direct descedants of the ancient Assyrians". I am not talking about the fall of Assyria but I am talking about afterwards how they all of the sudden forgot they were Assyrian for almost 2,000 years. All the excuses I have heard so far are lame and just a desperate attempt to justify their actions. They were capable of going all the way to China in an attempt to spread their Nestorian branch of Christianity but could not produce a couple of Ashuraye with names like Sargon, Ashur etc? Where were they all this time and all of the sudden now we have pleanty of which hardly any of them know what they talking about. How can you or any other "proud Assyrian" explain how such proud people with such a history were completely ignorant of the ancients and needed foreigners to make discoveries. Now they have picked those discoveries up and use them to try to get speacial treatment and an indepedendant Assyria which is really just a "Christian" thing hidden under the "Assyrian" label. It's one thing to fall or lose power but to completely forget one's history, culture, past etc is completely unacceptable. I do not deny that there are descendants of the ancients around today but I am questioning the Syriac Christians who only adopted this label less than a 100 years ago while the rest of the Iraqis whether Muslim or whatever else knew that the ancients were there ancastors and they were proud of that. What makes the Christians differen't is that they only now came to use this label in order to achieve other agendas and "ancient Assyrians" have nothing to do with it at all. If you talk to the modern "proud Assyrians" just for a few minutes, you will realize immediately that their "Assyrianism" is nothing more than their version of "Christianity". The very reason they do not allow a person to leave their church is enough to prove that they are nothing more than a Christian denomination and nothing more. I can gurantee you or any of you that if the foreigners had not popularized the "Assyrian" label and given it to the Nestorian Syriacs, hardly any of them would be calling themselves "Assyrians. Put it this way, there wouldn't be no such thing as Fred Aprim or the rest calling themselves "proud Assyrians". In fact, I've said before and I will say it again, if these modern proud "Assyrians" were part of the Roman Catholic church, they wouldn't be "giants of Assyria" but "proud Chaldeans". This just shows how weak their "Assyrian", yet these are the ones to tell me that I am not an Assyrian when their version of Assyrian is a religious thing and made up by the British and others. --------------------- |
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