The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: another hero has gone running

Re: another hero has gone running
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Monday, February 6 2012, 0:25:51 (UTC)
from *** - *** - Windows XP - Mozilla
Website title:

I think it's time we took this fight to Wikipedia....a certain friend of ours is coming to Mexico soon and we'll work on posting a real history of this modern assyrian nonsense, as well as their claims to persecution by nasty, as I understand they can write the administrators and claim that we are completely wrong, have no proof and, offer counter evidence to prove their claim ...well, let them try.....for proof we can present Dr Joseph who will be recognized for what he really is by white people:an expert on this subject.

What will they present to show he is wrong....Aprim? Parpola? What will they produce to prove their claims...the bible? Each other? This is where they'll see that evidence DOES won't be our writing that will be removed by the administrators but theirs.

I think we're more than ready..........are they?


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