The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: assyianmuslim evil & pancho demon

Re: assyianmuslim evil & pancho demon
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Wednesday, September 16 2009, 21:52:07 (CEST)
from *** - *** Non-Profit Organizations - Windows XP - Mozilla
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Ashur Beth-Shlimon wrote:
>The ignorant assyrianmuslim wrote:
>( yet are willing to expose you idiots and your silly "nation"?)

>REPLY >>>
>You are really idiot and stupid , because for a simple reason that she / he never mentioned any nationalism , but if you think that is ASSYRIAN , then why you are so idiot to claim to be ASSYRIANmuslim?! your homework...we asked you three years ago to bring evidence for your slander of Islam...where is it?


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