Re: disqualification for being "Assyrian" |
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- Tuesday, January 12 2010, 6:33:11 (CET) from - Commercial - - Mozilla Website: Website title: |
yes, there are ways that one can be kicked out yet isn't that comical? Almost like a cult or organization but it is true and reality. the first and biggest way of ceasing to be "Assyrian" is to leave xtianity. whether one becomew an atheist, jew, muslim or whatever, one can't be "Assyrian" anymore. when this business first started, one had to be nestorian but it was later realized the nestorians weren't a whole lot and catholics and syrian orthodox were more so others were permitted to join yet there are still those who deny even other denominations. it was out of desperation that others were allowed to join and propaganda materials, their "books" and "historians" started spreading lies that the modern chaldeans are and were calling themselves "Assyrian" prior to converting to Catholicism. So leaving xtianity is first violation and disqualification. then it's followed by anything such as having different views, challenging, questioning, researching and learning, proving them wrong, admitting being wrong, etc. --------------------- |
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