The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: he has to come here to be read....

Re: he has to come here to be read....
Posted by Rashad (Guest) - Monday, December 9 2013, 12:24:45 (UTC)
from - Network - -
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In my experience with this piece of shit, any person he finds to support him is a bigger piece of shit that nobody takes serious but he pumps him up to be someone famous. Just like all the "muslims" he finds who say Islam is all bad and then he has the nerves to say "he's a muslim just as you are but he knows the religion better than you". My question is always why the fuck the person still a muslim? They're pieces of shit like him, not what he makes them out to be. Any bad Muslim he finds is always a perfect representative of his religion. There are no bad folks who just happen to be born into the religion and would do the same thing regardless of which region, just as they are all following Islam and it just that way by nature, yet Christianity is peaceful so it doesn't matter what the Christian does. This concept just straight drives me nuts. It's like you can get away with anything because he has dismissed Christianity from the start and he can't seem to find it ironic that there have been so many more bad Christians than Muslims.

If Christianity is so peaceful and Christians are "saved" and christ like, then how come they've been so bad, violent and savage like? How can that be explained? Even if it's not the fault of the religion, it still didn't stop him from doing what he did. So you can kill millions and it doesn't matter or you can kill one person as a Muslim and it's your religion to blame.


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