The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: just received this from another nationalist

Re: just received this from another nationalist
Posted by atheist (Guest) - Friday, December 18 2009, 19:28:12 (CET)
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AssyrianMuslim wrote:
>the exact words u just wrote is what i told him and i even reminded him that the flag he has on his arm in a tatoo was invented in 1975. The name "Assyrian" was added to their church a year later in 1976.

...xactly. And to show, once again, how contrived and self-serving their attempts at "logic" are, when I reminded another nationalist about the recent adding-on of the so-called "historical" name "Assyrian" to the Nestorian Church, his reply was, "well, the church is IN Assyria, so what do you expect it to be called?"...which answers nothing....because why wasn't it called "Assyrian" all those hundreds of years? Why only in 1976?

And the very idea that a church "in Assyria" would naturally BE an Assyrian Church goes right to the heart of what Dr Joseph explains as how this crazy idea came about...that just because Assyrian relics were found in a geographical place once called Assyria, that everyone living on TOP of those relics "had to be Assyrian". Even if you accept such a ditzy idea, then you have to accept that Muslims too, and anyone else, also living up there would have to be Assyrian. Which, of course, the nationalreligionsts refuse to do because ONLY Christians can be Assyrians.

And THEY call people stupid!


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