The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: more attacks on Christians in iraq

Re: more attacks on Christians in iraq
Posted by Rashad (Guest) - Thursday, November 11 2010, 9:41:09 (UTC)
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They were calling Iraqi Christians traitors because they were holding the Iraqi flag during demonstrations. Why is it okay to hold Swedish flags but not Iraq's? They were encouraging burning the flag to piss of Iraqis but will that help or possibly only get more Christians killed? That is the aim after all to get them killed so they can keep dreaming about an autonomous region in Iraq. I bet Aprim is sitting in front his computer masturbating that this is finally happening. It is as if his prayers were answered because this is what he wants so he can continue posing as the leader. They dare compare themselves to Kurds and others but what they don't realize is that Kurds don't have their young ones and leaders in Modesto while only poor and older people are back home. Not only do these nationalists have the man power to what Kurds do but they don't have the testicles either.

They sit back in Callifornia and make demands. Why don't they go over there and help? All these heroes on the internet, forums and chats should go back there and help. They can form a militia and see how far they get but they too cowardly to do that. They just hope that more Christians will get killed and hope they will get what they think they deserve. Nothing will change and nobody will do anything about it. Iraq is not stable and we can thank the United Snakes, Britain and the Zionists for that. They brought this was and created this mess after Saddam was removed. Remember them silly Assyrians and Chaldeans dancing in the streets of Detroit when Saddam ws caught or when it was obvious he was gone? It was all over CNN and FOX news. They were happy to see the man who was so good to them fall. They were always traitors and not trustworthy. At least those in Iraq are decent people who love their country but they have to suffer because of what these Jesus and god fucking peasants are doing in the west.

Just the other night I was speaking to an elderly Assyrian lady who just recently arrived to Atlanta and she was telling me that they had a beautiful home, and only left because of the danger. She kept cursing Bush and his father for destroying Iraq. Almost every Iraqi I know in my city, especially the newer ones, have all lost someone there in the last 7 years. We mention the over million and half that were murdered by the U.N but we should also mention the estimated 600,000 Iraqis that have died since this war began. It could be more than that even, but from my research I have done, most studies claimed around 600,000. That is a lot of people to die for not having done anything to Amerikkka.

Most Iraqi Christians fled in recent years and during the years of Iraq/Iran war and the Gulf war. We can thank the U.S for that one as well. These heroes don't care nor mind using the Christians in Iraq because they are not related to them. The heroes in the west have their families and loved near them while encouraging the others in Iraq to avoid relations with Kurds and others. Others from the west were giving their suggestions as to what Iraqi Christians should do and they should move to north Iraq. As if it's easy to just pack and leave. That is the best that the brave ones in Modesto and Sydney can come up with. They would need financial help which none of them are willing to give. LIke them silly Zowaa dance parties where they supposedly raise money for Iraqi Christians yet everyone of their members in San diego, Chicago etc, drives a lexus or benz.

I have relatives in Iraq and they have never received a cent from Zowaa or whatever. When will these cowards stop their bullshit and have sympathy for those back home? I bet and I don't blame them, but if every Christian in Iraq could leave, not one would stay or maybe few of the Chaldeans would stay but all the rest would leave because of the danger. Imagine people who love their homeland have to flee because of Christians from America and their own nationalists in the west. How sad that is.


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