The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: the Pope ....

Re: the Pope ....
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Friday, September 25 2015, 23:08:29 (UTC)
from *** - *** Commercial - Windows NT - Mozilla
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I heard that on the radio...that was great...but really, this is the same institution that backed whenever they do the decent thing we're all AMAZED and convinced Jesus really does exist...but still, it's a great thing...looks like he and I agree on more than one thing.

The obscene amounts of money corporations are allowed to keep and avoid taxes also allows them to lavish cash on lobbyists and politicians who then go and make it possible for them to earn even more money...meanwhile the rest of us are left shouldering the actual government services.

The Pope stopped short of saying this is all a business but it needs enemies...and we create them just to drive the know, "supply and demand"...we have to supply the "terrorists" and the fear...after which there is a great demand for weapons to "keep us safe" is the BIGGEST business we have.


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