The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: the sixth assyrian scenario.....

Re: the sixth assyrian scenario.....
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Monday, July 14 2014, 16:38:39 (UTC)
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Ashur Beth-Shlimon wrote:
>Punching PANCHO for his lies!
>Pancho wrote:
>“ ..Bethshlimon has a fifth....he writes in Arabic, of course, so no one can read him...very odd assyrian nationalist who writes only in Arabic...anyway, he says there are
>four out there to which he adds his own...I've got one too:”
>REPLY >>>
>Yes , I do write in Arabic in many sites and this is just one of them that my readers are over ( 20,000 ) and counting.

...well, you don't have thousands at Maggie's that's for have about 12. Since we see you ready and willing to tell lies when it suits you, why would we believe this claim of yours? And, by the way, you have even less readers at bethsuryoyos.
>Ashur Beth-Shlimon


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