The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: there is something revolting....

Re: there is something revolting....
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Thursday, November 27 2014, 15:52:20 (UTC)
from *** - *** Mexico - Windows NT - Mozilla
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What drives Blacks crazy is that whites won't even admit that Blacks have excellent reason to be pissed...they even want to deny them that right....we can all say, afterward, that even though you're pissed you shouldn't burn property, but you at least have to give them the right to be hugely pissed off!

Instead whites point to Obama, a "black" president, and say "what are YOU angry at, you got a fucking nigger in OUR White House"! And they get even nastier towards Blacks because of it...even though Obama has done nothing for no woman-President would do anything for women.

The system is set up by whites to benefit whites, mostly males....they've had to grudgingly share some rights with women and Blacks, but only after considerable resistance...and then they've come back even whiter and nastier as a result of this forced-sharing.


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