Re: those virgins... |
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- Tuesday, November 27 2007, 18:03:38 (CET) from - Network - Windows 2000 - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
Ameen, and you know what's worse, they are so stuck on this virgin thing while Muslims don't even worry about that. It was them who decided to bring this up after 9/11 as way to smere us, it is they who are so fascinated by this and not us, but we say, inshallah, we receive mercy and forgiveness, and they are worrieds about virgins. You'e right, they are either jealous and there must be a portion among them whom are gay and they prefer men rather than women I guess. What they are ignoring and believe it or not, many Christians don't even know it but there is much detailed prnography in the Bible. There are many parts that I would not feel comfortable reading to my mother, sister, daughter or my wife. They are so stuck on the virgin women in Jannah but completely forget about the pronography in the book of Ezekiel, Exodux, Genesis etc. What a hypocrites they are. I have a friend who is an atheist and he said something about Christians and now I am starting to believe him, does Christianity really make these ppl stupid or what? They go to the battle field without their brains, and get stomped. I must truly say with all humlity that I see what Islam does to a person and I see how these Christians behave after they receive their "holy ghost". Islam is not based on "holy ghost" but it is based on improving a person and making him a better person. I don't know what is up with these people but then I remember when I was that way at one point to during my Christian days, arrogant, prejudice and make a fool of myself, alhamdulillah, those days are over with and, inshAllah I will never return to my days of Jahliya(ignorance). --------------------- |
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