The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: we all know the drill by now....

Re: we all know the drill by now....
Posted by Rashad (Guest) - Monday, May 9 2011, 22:19:09 (UTC)
from - Commercial - Windows XP - Mozilla
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religion is only mentioned when Muslims are involved. You can kill, steal, rape and do whatever you want without your religion being mentioned. I can at least say that Muslims haven't done these crazy things that Christians seem to do a lot. There was a Christian in Texas who pulled his car over and cut his son's head of on the side of the highway. He told police that it started over loud music and god had informed him that his son was an agent of the devil. This story was never mentioned by Harris, Hitchens or any of them, but they will give a 2 hour lecture about how evil religion is and Taliban/Islam is all you'll hear from them.


The full topic:

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