The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Retraction

Posted by Jeffrey (Guest) - Monday, November 9 2009, 14:57:39 (CET)
from - Commercial - Windows XP - Mozilla
Website title:

After all these years of me telling people that I "delete anything that was forwarded to me without even reading it..."

Here's an e-mail from the same turns out it was just an internet hoax.

However, I know that the senators and congresspeople do have a nice health care plan for themselves.


Now I feel like a fool, I have to learn to double check these things with Snoops when I think I am doing a good deed by sending important information to everyone in my data base. Please, delete my previous email everyone and for the record, I am no longer going to forward anything that anyone sends to me since I never have time to actually check snoops.


The full topic:

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