SYRIA: War Of Deception (Ken O'keefe on PressTv) |
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- Wednesday, September 30 2015, 18:24:08 (UTC) from - Network - Windows NT - Safari Website: Website title: Document Has Moved |
-- This, you must see. This lad is a former U.S. Marine and is quite articulate. This is an edited version in which O'keefe tells is like it is. (Coincidentally, I was asked by PressTV's news coordinator to participate as a political commentator -- I'm not kidding! -- and share my views and opinions live on TV world-wide. I turned them down due to reasons having to do with Iran's position on the LGBT community, and the fact that I don't want to be part of a news organization who also have the KKK Grand Wizard, David Duke, a big anti-Semite who attempts to cover his "Jew-hatred" behind the veneer of caring about "sand niggers". If any one of you is interested, let me know and I'll hook you up with the guy who approached me.) SYRIA: War Of Deception (Ken O'keefe on PressTV) --------------------- |
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