The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> The Houston shooter was dressed up as a WWII-era Nazi...

The Houston shooter was dressed up as a WWII-era Nazi...
Posted by Marcello (Guest) - Tuesday, September 27 2016, 0:36:23 (UTC)
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The Houston shooter was dressed up as a WWII-era Nazi during this morning’s rampage
Nathan Wellman | September 26, 2016

The shooter responsible for injuring nine people during a mass shooting in Houston on Monday was wearing Nazi paraphernalia, according to the Houston Police Department.

Two sources from within law enforcement have confirmed to Click2Houston that the body of the shooter – who was fatally shot by police during the shootings – was wearing a World War II German uniform covered in swastikas.

While his name has yet to be officially confirmed by police, media outlets have discovered that the shooter’s vehicle was owned by a 46-year-old attorney by the name of Nathan Desai. Two of his nine victims are listed as being in critical condition, and six of the remaining seven have been released from the hospital.

Desai was a lawyer who practiced in Houston who had recently fallen into hard times financially. “He was worried … because his law practice was not running good, so he (was) worried about this all the time,” the Desai’s Father said. Additional Nazi paraphernalia as well as extra weapons were also found in his car and residence.

Houston Police have not yet given an official ruling about whether the shooting will be labelled as an act of terrorism.

Nathan Wellman is a Los Angeles-based journalist, author, and playwright. Follow him on Twitter: @LightningWOW


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