The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> The Undressing of Mr Suave....

The Undressing of Mr Suave....
Posted by assyrian atheist (Guest) - Thursday, October 15 2009, 20:50:12 (CEST)
from - Non-Profit Organizations - Linux - Mozilla
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...he came on here seeming to be fair-minded. All religions, he said, are pretty much the same, so why blame Christianity more than Islam?

But they are not the same. If Islam had brought us World Wars and developed atom bombs and other weapons of mass destruction, or dropped such bombs on innocent women and children and had all the religious wars Christians have had, then he might have a point. But real history paints a very different picture.

And then, after this claim didn't work...he took off the mask and said that Muslims were persecuting Christians in Iraq right NOW! Even here you could see his hatred of Islam at work and not any fair-mindedness.

The issue is not: are Christians now suffering in Iraq at the hands of Muslims...but: Did they suffer like this BEFORE Christians attacked and occupied the country?

The answer is, of course not.

To his way of thinking Christians can do whatever they want to anybody...but no one has a right to fight back or even get angry. While Christian nations may attack willy-nilly, killing anyone they choose to..Muslims must be VERY careful not to target anyone "unfairly", said to be innocent by Christians.

So, we see clearly enough that Christianity is very different from Islam.


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