The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> They Didn't Whip at Auschwitz....

They Didn't Whip at Auschwitz....
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Monday, September 14 2009, 23:17:44 (CEST)
from *** - *** Non-Profit Organizations - Windows XP - Mozilla
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...whatever you try to show Muslims are cruel is easily offset by the unbelievable cruelty Christians visited on six million Jews. JUST FOR THEIR RELIGION.

If you had any decency at all you'd be ashamed of yourself....

You yourself, asshole that you are, regale us with tales of how backwards Muslims are...what then do you have to say of the "superior" white, Christians of Europe who slaughtered innocent children, raped their mothers and starved them all to death...when not executing them outright? These were not "backward" people but among those who considered themselves the best...the "Master-Class".

You shameless jackass.


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