The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> another difference...

another difference...
Posted by assyrian atheist (Guest) - Thursday, October 8 2009, 19:11:41 (CEST)
from - Commercial - Windows Codename Longhorn - Internet Explorer
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...tske Evolution vs. Creationism. Darwin's theory, which has been much modified as was expected by further evidence and thought, is still called a "theory" by the religious. At one time there was a theory that the world was round. No one had proven it yet and the notion went against common wisdom and experience. We no longer think of a round-world became fact long ago...but not to the religious who only reluctantly gave up their belief in a flat world.

Creationism is a isn't even that: it's simply a belief, an "opinion" based on nothing more tangible than what some people said thousands of years ago. There is no evidence or proof and there never can's merely something you choose to believe and welcome too.

Evolution is proven but not, of course, to the satisfaction of the religious....but then they don't like proof and evidence because these things threaten their beliefs...they want to believe simply because the want to believe...and they want the rest of the world to go along. We leave them alone to their beliefs but they wont leave our FACTS alone...because a mind that requires facts and evidence, and goes about seeking them, is a threat to them.

Our mistake is in ever mentioning Cretionism and Evolution in the same sentence or paragraph or even discussion. They are vastly different. It is gross and indecent to pit them against each other because they have nothing in common,,,the apple called Creationism cannot be discussed in the same breath as the organge of is strictly a matter of faith and the other is a matter of science...of facts and proof and evidence.

Of course Darwin made errors...all science makes errors...but it doen't enshrine them and pray to them and seek to keep them constant and unchanging for thousands of learns and grows and discards and adds and modifies forever.

Evolution is fact...Creationism is bubble-gum.


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