The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> christianity in armenia

christianity in armenia
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Thursday, January 14 2010, 21:18:52 (CET)
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our liars always tell us how evil islam is but let's how the first christian nation came to be. "The switch from the traditional pagan Armenian religion to Christianity was not an easy one. Tiridates often used force to impose this new faith upon the people and many armed conflicts ensued, because polytheism was deeply rooted in the Armenian people. An actual battle took place between the king's forces and the pagan camp, resulting in the weakening of polytheistic military strength. Tiridates thus spent the rest of his life trying to eliminate all ancient beliefs and in doing so destroyed countless statues, temples and written documents. As a result, little is known from local sources about ancient Armenian history and culture. The king worked feverishly to spread the faith and died in 330 AD." remember there are also charlamagne, king olaf, constantine and other christians who used force to bring xtianity on people. muslims lived with jews, xtians, buddhist, hindus etc ant tolerated them without using force.


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