The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> coincidence?

Posted by pancho (Guest) - Sunday, November 11 2007, 22:35:43 (CET)
from - Network - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Ever since Blackhawk came under scrutiny there've been less and less suicide bombings...can that be because the executives at Blackhawk, a private mercenary army, can now be held accountable for the first time in their murderous careers?

A Dangerous Trend In America

Headlines say that a "Terrorist" goes free after trial. If he went free that means he was found innocent of charges...why is he still referred to as a "terrorist"? The implication given each time an accused "terrorist" is found innocent is that our legal system, packed with those foolish and traitorous "Liberals" with their stupid Constitution, has failed to protect there can be NO innocence once officials charge you and increasingly "Due Proces" is being seen as a mere formaility, a Lawyer's "trick" and an obstacle in the administration's efforts to "save us"...when our legal protections are all that protect us, from these charges and a whole host of others from which there may someday be no way of dis-proving...because all legal process and fair play will be seen as an "obstacle" to protecting us and "securing" our way of life...which is EXACTLY what happened in Nazi, Christian, Europe in the 1930s.

Achtung Y'all!


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