The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> direct descent?

direct descent?
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Sunday, August 30 2009, 5:30:58 (CEST)
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We all may know what the ancients did and achieved. We know they were warriors, brave, intelligent, etc but that is the past. Let's talk about our modern Christians who now suddenly claim to be their direct descendants while a little over a century ago there were no such claims being made. Is it not an embarrassment and an insult to claim direct descent when they hide in their bedrooms, and afraid to debate, challenge etc? Would descendants of warriors behave in such manners? I don't think so at all. They thought of themselves as smart but they are not fooling anyone important. The ancients fought their battles and had no fear, but these people fear their own shadows and behave in the most coward ways possible. They don't have the guts nor the ability to fight battles except when it comes to being slaves to others as they all were and still are(to British, Russians, French, Americans). Anyone who puts his trust in others and expects others to fight their battles for them are not wise nor brave. The ancients didn't expect others to serve them and no superpower cares for the interests of others.

I had told one bigot nationalist that America is only in Iraq for their interests, and thought he is clever by saying that we only use them too in order to do the fighting and clear the path for us to take over. As if Americans are stupid to be helping them and that they will suddenly feel sorry for them. In fact, the lives of the few Christians in Iraq became worse after the war and it was Christian countries which put sanctions on Iraq, killed over a million and not to mention the war since 2003. Of course it is easy for a "brave" hero like Fred Aprim to be a "leader" from outside and make "demands". Muslims did not steal Assyria and Muslims have not persecuted these jokers. These people don't know what persecution is and could never handle it. They could never take on what the Native Americans, African Americans, Jews or any other persecuted people faced.

They complain about being thrown in jail for sedition or breaking the laws and call it "persecution" or complain about having to serve in the Iraqi military as if they are an exception. They are not special, persecuted nor indigenous to Iraq because all Iraqis qualify as such. Since they can't fight, have no real leaders, politicians and are not brave, there is no point of making demands or begging because it won't do anything. But then again, these people put their trust into any invader of their country and trust in Isiah who will give them an "Assyria".


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