except..... |
Posted by
assyrian atheist
- Sunday, January 3 2010, 21:59:47 (CET) from - pool-71-116-93-101.snfcca.dsl-w.verizon.net Network - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...thanks a lot for all this information....people are trained from childhood NOT to think for themselves....the only problem I see is this continual insistence that America "got it wrong"...that things went "too far" etc. I don't buy that for a minute...they wanted to push these thingsa s far as they could precisely to create the kind of condition that would "require" America to go to extremes to "protect us". It was NOT accidental or unplanned...it was meant to be as bad as it is...because for them, it's GREAT! --------------------- |
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