"geno·cide"...Denial and Make-Believe |
Posted by
assyrian atheist
- Monday, September 28 2009, 22:01:24 (CEST) from - mail.shpl.org Non-Profit Organizations - Linux - Mozilla Website: Website title: |
...the main problem with these discussions is that people like Mr Suave refer only to their own feelings and prejudices, plus what they were taught as children...they refuse to read books or consult dictionaries...the result is that when it comes to definitions, or any other facts, they mask their ignorance by defending their OPINIONS as if they were facts. ...Mr. Suave accuses us of denying genocide...I accuse him of making up a genocide...the truth can be determined by checking facts, starting with the actual definition of the word...not what anyone THINKS it means but what common usage says it means. Main Entry: geno·cide Pronunciation: \ˈje-nə-ˌsīd\ Function: noun Date: 1944 : the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group. ...very short, simple and eloquent. ...the key words are "deliberate" and "systematic". This rules out mob violence or any pogrom resulting from passions of the moment or desires for revenge or just plain looting or wanton destruction. ...Two major examples come to mind,....one is the deliberate and systematic effort to wipe out Native Americans in both north and south America...the other is, of course, the Holocaust....(note: any holocaust is merely a wide conflagration...THE Holocaust, when it is capitalized, refers only to the murder of Jews by Christians)...and speaking of the usual suspects, both these genocides were brought to us by Christians...yes, them again. ...there is no evidence at all that the Ottoman government, like the German, planned or coordinated any systematic rounding up and deliberate stamping out of any and all Christians...in fact we have plenty of anecdotal evidence that Turks rescued and protected Christians from mob-violence...something no one dared do under the Nazis, though many did....but in those cases the government would have killed anyone helping the Jews. ...no doubt there was mob violence here and there against Christians...and for good reasons which we can discuss later. But the fact remains that no matter what Mr Suave would like to think, or what he was told, or what the priests say, there is no EVIDENCE of "systematic" and "deliberate" attempts to wipe out any group by the Ottomans. This is the consensus of opinion among professionals who've studied the matter...Mr Suave's point of view is that of an amateur, a hobbyist, who tries to force a conclusion for personal reasons. --------------------- |
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