The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> heartless children easily distracted and cruel...

heartless children easily distracted and cruel...
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Saturday, December 27 2014, 14:57:02 (UTC)
from *** - *** Mexico - Windows NT - Mozilla
Website title:

...that's what the American people are like...their leaders get them all worked up and sentimental over "the suffering" people of Iraq or Afghanistan or Libya to name a few, then they get them to agree to go "save" those people and so we bomb and kill and poison and soon enough the great American children lose interest and don't want to hear any more of those people even though after our intervention they go on suffering and worse...but we're off to our next "rescue" and don;t want to know the actual outcome of our misguided "humanity".

Meanwhile our war-mongers grow richer and richer and we poorer and poorer....that's the only consolation: that the American people are driving themselves to the Poor we forced the Soviets to do.


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