hypocrisy in action |
Posted by
assyrian atheist
- Thursday, November 12 2009, 2:35:48 (CET) from - pool-71-116-93-101.snfcca.dsl-w.verizon.net Network - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...the following paragraph is taken from the home page of Maggie Yonan's site...it self-righteously proclaims that she, and it, will not tolerate etc. Speaskassyria.com will not tolerate racism, prejudice, bigotry, discrimination, and hateful or threatening remarks directed toward any individual, organization, and community. You will be respected if you are willing to respect yourself first.. The Administration ...and below you'll find her post about the Qurds...but it should come as no surprise...Maggie Yonan reserves the right to decide who can be hated and who cannot. Re: To Those that want us to be part of "Kurdistan" Posted By: Maggie Yonan Date: Tuesday, 10 November 2009, at 6:08 p.m. In Response To: To Those that want us to be part of "Kurdistan" *LINK* (David William Lazar) Alah makheelon Qurdayeh wa kmat eet meneh. Alaha makheeleh koot kha plakha darqool haqooyateh D'Atour. ...but, what can one expect from a heroine of this kind of nation? --------------------- |
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