The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> if Syria is the same as Assyria...then why....

if Syria is the same as Assyria...then why....
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Monday, April 30 2012, 18:27:36 (UTC)
from *** - *** - Windows NT - Mozilla
Website title:


“The Authorized Version of the Bible continued to use the same terms that the Septuagint had adopted. In 1970, the New English Bible, published by Oxford and Cambridge University presses, and translated by biblical scholars drawn from various British universities, went back to the original Hebrew terms, using Aram and Arameans for Syria and Syrians respectively.” p. 9

This requires no is no ones doesn't even take any kind of just have to READ! If Syria was the same as Assyria, then all these scholar would have changed Syria back to Assyria...but they didn't...they changed it back to Aram, which is where the Jews derived it from in the 2nd century.

Case closed...unless Fareed found a book in X-Libris


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